Welcome to our School

St Paul's is a busy but friendly school with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of what we do, as well as providing regular updated information for everyone.  We believe in inclusive quality education and care for all children and their families.

St. Paul’s C/E Infant School offers a ninety place infant school, educating children aged from four to seven years of age. 

We are very much a village school with strong ties to the Church and local community. The children are organised into three single age class groups: Beech Class – Reception; Rowan Class - Year 1; Elm class - Year 2.


School Times:- The school doors open at 8.55 a.m. and children should be in school by 9am with school ending at 3.00 p.m.

Our School Brochure contains lots more information and we hope you find this useful.



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© St Paul's C of E Infant School